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how many boxes of brownie mix for a sheet pan

Love to bake brownies? Always wondering how many boxes of brownie mix you need? Craving a large batch of mouthwateringly delicious brownies to satisfy your sweet tooth? Look no further than sheet pan brownies! These delightful treats are not only convenient but also effortlessly whipped up using Duncan Hines boxed brownie mix.

No more measuring and mixing butter, cocoa, and Duncan Hines from scratch – with a box of Duncan Hines brownie mix, you’ll save precious time and effort in the kitchen. But how many boxes of Duncan Hines brownie mix do you need to bake that perfect sheet pan of gooey goodness? We’ve got you covered! In this guide, we’ll reveal the secrets to achieving flawless sheet pan brownies every single time.

So, if you’re ready to dive into the world of heavenly chocolatey bars, let’s get started and discover just how simple it is to bake delectable sheet pan brownies with the help of many trusty boxed brownie mix boxes. Get your taste buds ready for an unforgettable treat with the perfect amount of butter!


Determining the Right Quantity: How Many Boxes of Brownie Mix for a Sheet Pan

To ensure you have enough brownie mix to bake many brownies for your sheet pan, it’s important to consider the size of the pan. Here are some key points to keep in mind: make sure you have enough mix to bake the desired number of pieces, and check the baking time to ensure they are cooked in the right number of minutes.

Size Matters

  • The number of brownie mix boxes needed depends on the size of your sheet pan to bake the brownie bars.

  • A standard 18×13-inch sheet pan usually requires two boxes of brownie mix. However, to achieve a moist and fudgy texture, you can add a quarter cup of oil to the batter. Additionally, if you want to enhance the richness of the brownies, substitute water with milk. These small modifications can create delightful reactions in your taste buds.

Even Distribution and Proper Baking

Adjusting the quantity of brownie mix ensures even distribution and proper baking on a half sheet pan, full sheet pan, or quarter sheet. By using the right amount in each cup, you can achieve delicious results every time.

So, next time you’re preparing brownies for a sheet pan, make sure to measure the ingredients accurately. Use a cup to measure the oil and water. This is important because using too much or too little of these ingredients can affect the reactions that occur during baking.

  1. Determine the size of your sheet pan.

  2. Refer to the recommended quantity guidelines for using a full sheet pan, half sheet pan, quarter sheet pan, and cup based on their dimensions.

  3. Adjust accordingly by using multiple boxes if necessary.

Remember, getting the right amount of brownie mix is crucial for evenly baked and scrumptious treats. Use a half sheet pan or a full sheet pan to bake them to perfection. Enjoy with a cup of water!

Exploring Recipes and Methods for Sheet Pan Brownies with Boxed Mixes

Enhancing your boxed brownie mix with a half sheet of cup oil and water opens up a world of delicious possibilities. With just a few simple additions and techniques, you can transform ordinary brownies into extraordinary treats. Let’s dive into some ideas to elevate your brownie game.

Customizing Your Brownies

  • Add a touch of crunch by mixing in chopped nuts like walnuts or pecans. For added flavor, you can also lightly toast the nuts in oil beforehand.

  • Indulge in gooey goodness by swirling caramel sauce into the batter of brownie mix boxes.

  • Experiment with different toppings such as chocolate chips, marshmallows, shredded coconut, or even crushed candy bars. Mix up your brownie mix boxes to create a variety of delicious treats.

Creating Unique Flavors

  • Take your brownies to new heights by layering cookie dough on top before baking.

  • Infuse the brownie mix boxes with a burst of peanut butter flavor by swirling it throughout the batter.

  • Explore other flavor combinations like mint chocolate chip or salted caramel.

Unleashing Your Creativity

  • Use cookie cutters to shape your brownies into fun and festive designs.

  • Create layers of excitement by alternating the brownie batter with cheesecake or fruit fillings.

  • Incorporate colorful sprinkles or edible decorations for an extra special touch.

By experimenting with these recipes and methods, you can turn a simple boxed mix into something truly extraordinary. So go ahead, grab that sheet pan and let your imagination run wild!

Scaling Up for a 13×9 Pan: Cooking Multiple Boxes of Brownie Mix

When using a larger 13×9-inch pan, you may need to double or triple the recipe. This ensures that you have enough brownie batter to fill the pan adequately. Follow instructions on each box individually when scaling up for multiple boxes, as different brands and recipes may have varying measurements and ratios.

To achieve consistent results, it is essential to ensure thorough mixing when combining multiple batches. This guarantees that all the ingredients are evenly distributed throughout the batter. Take care not to overmix, as this can lead to tough or dense brownies.

Here are some tips for successfully cooking multiple boxes of brownie mix in a foodservice convection oven:

  • Preheat the oven according to the instructions provided on the brownie mix boxes.

  • Prepare each batch of brownie mix separately, following the package directions.

  • Once each batch is mixed, combine them in a large bowl and gently fold them together until well blended.

  • Grease your 13×9-inch pan thoroughly to prevent sticking.

  • Pour the combined batter into the prepared pan, spreading it evenly with a spatula.

  • Place the pan in the preheated oven and bake according to the recommended time and temperature on one of the box instructions. Keep an eye on them towards the end of baking time since they might require slightly longer due to increased volume.

  • To check for doneness, insert a toothpick into the center of the brownies. If it comes out with moist crumbs clinging to it rather than wet batter, they are done.

  • Allow your deliciously baked sheet of brownies to cool in their pan before cutting them into squares or rectangles.

By following these steps and guidelines, you can create delectable treats by scaling up your favorite brownie mix recipe for a larger sheet pan. Enjoy sharing these scrumptious delights with friends and family!

Achieving a Smooth Texture: Mixing Flour and Chocolate Chips in the Batter

Mixing Flour and Chocolate Chips in the Batter

Adding flour to your brownie mix can help you achieve a denser texture, perfect for those who prefer a richer and more substantial bite. By incorporating chocolate chips into the batter, you’ll also introduce delightful bursts of flavor throughout your brownies. However, it’s important to be mindful of how you handle the mixing process.

Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Flour for Density: If you desire denser brownies, consider adding flour to your recipe. This will give your treats a more substantial texture that is sure to satisfy.

  • Chocolate Chip Delight: Incorporating chocolate chips into the batter not only adds extra bursts of flavor but also creates pockets of gooey goodness within each bite.

  • Avoid Overmixing: While it’s essential to thoroughly combine all the ingredients, overmixing can lead to tough or dry brownies. Be gentle as you fold everything together, ensuring just enough mixing for proper incorporation.

Remember these tips when preparing your next batch of brownies. Experiment with different amounts of flour and chocolate chips until you find the perfect balance that suits your taste preferences. Enjoy the process and savor every delectable bite!

Filling Your Sheet Pan: Pouring and Preparing the Brownie Mix

To ensure a successful batch of brownies in your sheet pan, follow these simple steps:

  1. Grease or line your sheet pan before pouring in the batter to prevent sticking. This will make it easier to remove the brownies once they are baked.

  2. Spread the batter evenly across the entire surface for consistent baking results. Use a spatula or the back of a spoon to smooth out the mixture, ensuring it reaches all corners of the pan.

  3. Tap gently on the counter to remove any air bubbles from the batter. This step helps prevent uneven rising and ensures a more uniform texture throughout.

By following these guidelines, you can achieve perfectly baked brownies that are deliciously moist and evenly cooked.

So, when preparing your sheet pan for brownie baking:

  • Grease or line your sheet pan.

  • Spread the batter evenly.

  • Tap gently to remove air bubbles.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be ready to fill your sheet pan with confidence and enjoy mouthwatering brownies every time!

Adjusting for Different Sheet Pan Sizes: Scaling Up or Down for Perfect Results

  • For smaller sheet pans, reduce the quantity of brownie mix accordingly.

  • Larger sheet pans may require additional boxes or adjusting the baking time.

  • Keep an eye on the brownies while baking to ensure they don’t overcook or undercook.

The size of the pan plays a crucial role in determining the amount of brownie mix needed. Whether you’re using a full sheet pan, half sheet pan, or even a quarter sheet pan, it’s important to adjust your recipe accordingly for perfect results. Here are some tips on how to scale up or down your brownie mix based on different sheet pan sizes:

  1. Smaller Sheet Pans

    • If you’re using a half-sheet or quarter-sheet pan, you’ll need to reduce the quantity of brownie mix. Follow these steps:

      1. Check the recommended portion size on your box of brownie mix.

      2. Use simple math to calculate the amount needed for your specific pan size.

        • For example, if the recommended portion is for a full-sheet pan and you’re using a half-sheet pan (which is approximately half the size), use only half of the recommended amount.

    • By reducing the quantity, you ensure that your brownies bake evenly and aren’t too thin.

  2. Larger Sheet Pans

    • When using larger sheet pans such as full-sheet pans, you might need additional boxes of brownie mix or adjust the baking time:

      1. If one box of brownie mix doesn’t cover your full-sheet pan adequately, consider using multiple boxes and spreading them evenly across the surface.

      2. Alternatively, if you prefer not to use multiple boxes but still want thicker brownies in a larger pan, increase both the quantity and the baking time slightly.

    • Adjusting for larger sheet pans ensures that your brownies have a consistent thickness and texture.

  3. Baking Time

    • Regardless of the sheet pan size, it’s important to keep an eye on the brownies while they’re in the oven:

      • Check for doneness by inserting a toothpick into the center of the brownies. If it comes out with a few moist crumbs clinging to it, they are done.

      • Avoid overcooking or undercooking by monitoring the baking time closely. It may vary depending on your oven and the specific recipe you’re using.


Mastering sheet pan brownies with boxed mixes is a breeze once you understand the key techniques and considerations. By following these guidelines, you can create delicious and crowd-pleasing treats that are perfect for any occasion.

Determining the right quantity of brownie mix for your sheet pan is essential to ensure even baking and optimal texture. Exploring different recipes and methods will allow you to find your favorite combination of flavors and ingredients. Scaling up for a 13×9 pan requires cooking multiple boxes of brownie mix, providing plenty of servings for larger gatherings.

Achieving a smooth texture in your brownies involves mixing flour and chocolate chips into the batter carefully. Filling your sheet pan with the prepared brownie mix ensures an even distribution, resulting in perfectly baked treats every time. If you’re working with different sheet pan sizes, don’t forget to adjust the quantities accordingly for consistent results.

To take your sheet pan brownies to the next level, consider adding examples such as nuts or marshmallows, or experiment with different toppings like caramel or frosting. These additions can elevate the flavor profile and provide an extra touch of indulgence.

Now that you have mastered the art of making sheet pan brownies with boxed mixes, it’s time to put your skills into action. Gather your ingredients, follow these guidelines, and enjoy creating scrumptious desserts that will impress everyone around you!


Q: Can I use a different size of sheet pan for my brownies?

A: Yes! You can adjust the recipe to fit various sheet pan sizes by scaling up or down accordingly.

Q: How many servings can I expect from a batch of sheet pan brownies?

A: The number of servings depends on factors such as portion size and how large you cut them. Generally, a standard 13×9-inch batch yields around 24 servings.

Q: Can I freeze leftover sheet pan brownies?

A: Absolutely! Once cooled, you can wrap individual portions tightly in plastic wrap and freeze them for up to three months.

Q: Can I add additional ingredients to my brownie mix?

A: Yes, feel free to get creative! You can add nuts, chocolate chips, or even swirl in peanut butter for added flavor and texture.

Q: How long should I bake my sheet pan brownies?

A: Baking times may vary depending on your oven and the thickness of the batter. It’s best to start with the recommended time in the recipe and then check for doneness by inserting a toothpick into the center. If it comes out with a few moist crumbs attached, they’re ready!

Q: Are boxed brownie mixes just as good as homemade ones?

A: Boxed mixes offer convenience without compromising taste. With proper techniques and personalized additions, you can achieve delicious results that rival homemade recipes.

Q: Can I use a different type of cake mix instead of brownie mix?

A: While it’s possible to experiment with other cake mixes, keep in mind that the texture and flavor may differ from traditional brownies.

Q: How many boxes of brownie mix do I need for a half sheet pan?

A: You will need 2 boxes of brownie mix to make brownies in a half sheet pan.

Q: How do I make brownies in a half sheet pan?

A: Preheat your oven to 350°F. Grease the half sheet pan with nonstick cooking spray or line it with parchment paper. In a stand mixer or mixing bowl, whisk together the brownie mix, eggs, oil and water. Add in any additional ingredients like cocoa powder, baking powder, or unsweetened chocolate. Spread the batter in the pan and bake for 17-20 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean when inserted into the center. Let the brownies cool completely in the pan before cutting with a plastic knife.

Q: Can I use a different size pan?

A: Yes, you can use a 9×13 inch pan if you prefer smaller brownies. Adjust the baking time accordingly, probably closer to 25-30 minutes.

Q: Do I need a mixer to make brownies?

A: No, you do not need a stand mixer to make brownies. You can mix the batter by hand with a whisk or a spoon.

Q: How much oil and eggs should I add?

A: Follow the instructions on the back of the brownie mix box for how much oil and eggs to add. Generally, it’s around 1/2 cup of oil and 2 eggs for 2 boxes of mix.

Q: Can I make the brownies thinner?

A: Yes, you can make the brownies thinner by using a larger sheet pan or spreading the batter out more. However, be sure to adjust the baking time accordingly.

Q: Do I need to add any extra ingredients?

A: No, you do not need to add any extra ingredients if you follow the instructions on the brownie mix box. However, feel free to add in any additional ingredients you like such as nuts, chocolate chips, or a glaze on top after the brownies are baked.

Q: Why should I let the brownies cool completely before cutting?

A: Letting the brownies cool completely allows them to set properly and makes them easier to cut. Use a plastic knife to prevent the brownies from sticking to the knife.

Q: How many square inches is a half sheet pan?

A: A half sheet pan is about 864 square inches.

Q: What are the different nutrients found in brownies?

A: Brownies contain niacin and riboflavin, among other nutrients depending on the recipe and additional ingredients added in.

Susan Wilson

My name is Susan and I am the person behind this blog. My mission is to help you become a better cook and start cooking like a pro! Here we talk about our kitchen adventures – good or bad- so you can laugh or two about it. So let the journey of mastering the ART OF COOKING begin.